Elements of innovation

We were presenting the innovative dimension of this proposal, IHAVET and its toolkit are innovative because they aim at introducing a holistic approach toolkit that integrates methodology, working methods coming from different environments and thus will realize synergies between different fields of education, training and youth. In fact, most of the time, organizations participating to this project have a pretty sectoral approach. Here, as we said, by having 3 schools, 2 training organizations, 1 intercultural/youth organization, a research/advocacy organization and an association founded by a group of young people coming from a migrant background, will help in developing this innovative toolkit that will be the result of the different experience brought by each organization.

Expected impact

We assume that the toolkit will impact for sure into the participating organizations since we have 3 schools with hundreds of teachers, training organizations with tens of trainers, etc. During the validation process, teachers, trainers, youth workers will be impacted by the toolkit also because they will be asked to give a feedback on the toolkit itself.

Transferability potential

The toolkit has some transferability potential that in part will be also guaranteed by the fact that it will alsobe translatedin each of the language of the participating organizations. This will help in increase the transferability potential of the tool. Besides, since mostof the organizationsare also involved in some other projects, that means that the toolkit can easily“travel” also from project to project. Finally, as it can be seen in the “dissemination” part, we have planned also the multiplier events during which the toolkit will be presented.4.5 Work division The applicant will coordinate the different task that will be described below while each partner will contribute bringing his own country experience. The partner will be in charge to check if the translation is duly done.

Intellectual output production tasks

To begin with, once we have collected all the relevant information from the research (the questionnaires and the focus group) we will have some of the main points about the toolkit. As said elsewhere, the research is kind of a precondition to go on with the toolkit. Then, we will start assembling the toolkit as it can be seen in the timetable file attached by: drafting the toolkit: each of the partner will be asked to draft according to the data collected in the participating country;testing the toolkit: during the short-term training event the toolkit will be tested and eventually modified accordingly (see short-term event section). translating the toolkit: in order to widen the impact and the transferability potential, the toolkit will be translated in each of the participating country language;validating the toolkit: once we got back from the short-term training event, we will start the process of validating the toolkit. We will share toolkit with 200 people (teachers, trainers, youth workers) to validate the toolkit. At this stage, we have notyet defined how to properly validate the toolkit, although there are some ideas on it,but we prefer also to havethe research results.finalizing the toolkit validation: once the process is over, we will finalize the toolkit.toolkit publication: as said, the publication will consist of 34 pages. And will be ready for the end of the project.

Methodology applied

There isa combination of methodology: some quantitative methods to validate the toolkit, working group methods to develop the toolkit will be used as well as some writing technique.