IHAVET is strongly complementary to other 2 projects that we are carrying out right away. The first one is SHIP (School & Home Involvement Participation) Strategic Partnership in the field of school education, still running project.The aim of SHIP is to involve parents with migrant background at the school activities of their children, in order to address the issue of the Early School Leaving phenomena. At this project the Ecepaa is working with other 3 members of IHAVET consortium: the CIEP, the Portuguese member Agrupamento de Escolas de Silves, Multikulturelt Initiativ og Ressursnettverk (MIR) from Norway andEurocircle from France. Having a consolidated partnership will bring a strong positive added value since it will guarantee a smooth running of the project. The second project is LAB (Language as a Bridge). Today, according to the 2015/2321(INI) 24.4 % of the total population in the EU live in risk of poverty and social exclusion,and almost 10 % are facing severe material deprivation. The overall objective of Language asa Bridge “LAB” project, then, is to contribute in reducing this data enhancing the social inclusion of the newly arrived adult refugeesby improving their language knowledge. 5LAB aims at increasing the efficiency of 20 adult educators (specific objective) on language education of newly arrived adult refugees. Also,in this case, several of the partners belong to the SHIP consortium.We’ll go further on this in the section regarding the partner selection